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2010年 第 3 期目录

2010年09月 第35卷 第3期 [点击查看详情内容 ]

Fujian Rezuo Keji
(季刊  1975年创刊)
2010年09月  第35卷  第3期



目  录

蝴蝶兰花梗腋芽诱导及防褐化的研究………………………………………………陈瑶瑶 庄卫东 黄枝英等(1)
芦笋茎枯病菌鉴定及寄主范围研究…………………………………………………… 卢松茂 罗金水 李丽容(4)
龙海九龙岭林场不同采伐迹地尾巨桉造林效果比较……………………………………………………… 甘国勇(7)
大蒜鳞茎盘的离体培养技术研究……………………………………………………………………卢永春 蒋元斌(9)
木兰溪源自然保护区珍稀濒危植物及其特征……………………………………………………………… 徐锦祥(13)
影响苗木种子出苗率的原因分析及催芽技巧……………………………………… 钟凤林 郑诚乐 林义章(18)
中国兰花的分株繁殖技术…………………………………………………………… 张天翔 杨俊杰 林宗铿等(22)
百合花花期控制栽培技术……………………………………………………………………………………… 林 辉(27)
红肉蜜柚幼龄树的栽培技术……………………………………………………………………… 赖淑华 孔卫星(30)
水稻抛秧栽培技术……………………………………………………………………………………………… 王家腾(32)
厦门市同安区山坡园地水土保持现状及其对策…………………………………………………………… 陈军拥(38)
珍稀树种“降香黄檀”与山地“铁观音”茶树套种创新生态种植模式初探……林丽云 林丽凤 林雄毅(41)
珍稀树种枳椇研究现状与应用前景……………………………………………………黄 雯 林富聪 张庆美(44)
东山县耕地生产现状、问题与对策……………………………………………………………… 朱艺英 林添发(49)
漳州市新农村村庄绿化建设模式探讨……………………………………………………………………… 方碧江(53)
同安区“一村一品”若干思考………………………………………………………………………………… 陈福治(57)
厦门垂直绿化的探讨…………………………………………………………………………………………… 徐友道(60)
完善生态建设 构建和谐园林…………………………………………………………………………………沈惠国(62)
对上海世博会园林景观设计创新的思考…………………………………………………………………… 郑云香(66)

期刊基本参数:CN35-1124/S*1975*q*  A4 *72*zh*P*¥6.80* 1000*23*2010-9

Fujian Science & Technology of Tropical Crops
(Quarterly Started in 1975)
Vol.35  No.3  Sept.  2010


Study on Axillarybud Induction with Phalaenopsis Peduncular and Its Prevention of  Browning………………………………………………………………………………………………Chen Yaoyao et al.(1)
Identification and Host Range of the Pathogen of Asparagus Stem Blight……………… Lu Songmao et al.(4)
Effect Comparision of Afforestation with Eucalyptus Grandis × E. urophylla in Different Felled Areas at the Tree Farm of Jiulongling,Longhai Municipality……………………………………………… Gan Guoyong((7)
In Vitro Cultural Technique of Garlic Bulb……………………………………………………Lu Yongchun et al.(9)
Endangered Plants and Their Features at Natural Protective Zone of Mulan Greek……… Xu Jingxiang(13)
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Germination of Plant Seed, and the Pregermination Technique………………………………………………………………………………………… Zhong Fenglin et al.(18)
Division Propagation Technique of Chinese Orchids………………………………… Zhang Tianxiang et al.(22)
Fertilizer Water Management and Cultivation Technique of Musa sapientum…………… Wu Zhenqiang(25)
Cultivation Technique of Lily by Regulating Its Flowering Phase…………………………………… Lin Hui(27)
Young Trees’ Cultivation Technique of Citrus grandis(L.)sbeck. Cv. …………………………… Lai Shuhua(30)
Transplanting Cultivation Technique of Rice……………………………………………………… Wang Jiateng(32)
Non-pollution Cultivation Technique of Chengxi Pineapple……………………………………… Lin Yanwen(34)
High Yielding Cultivation Technique for Winter-sowing and Spring-harvesting Potato……Chen Guoqin(36)
Discussion About Technical Measures for Water-soil Conservation in Hillside Garden-plot Fields at Tongan District,Xiamen City………………………………………………………………………… Chen Junyong(38)
Preliminary Discussion About New Ecological Cultivation Mode, Countrytea Flos Hibisci Intercropping with Rare Tree Dalbergia odorifera T.chen………………………………………………………Lin Lifeng et al.(41)
Study Situation and Application Prospect of Rare Species Hovenia acerba Lindl…………… Huang Wen(44)
Present State,Problems and Countermeasures of Lands Production at Dongshan County………………………………………………………………………………………………… Zhu Yiying et al.(49)
Discussion About the Afforest Construction Mode of New Village at Zhangzhuou City…… Fang Bijiang(53)
Thoughts on “One Village,One Product”at Tongan District……………………………………… Chen Fuzhi(57)
Discussion About Vertical Greening at Xiamen City…………………………………………………Xu Youdao(60)
To Perfect Ecological Construction,to Build Harmonious Gardens…………………………… Shen Huiguo(62)
Thinking About the Inovation Design of Horticultural Landscape on Shanghai World Expo……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Zhen Yunxian(66)
Present State and Countermeasures of Oiltea Industry at Xianyou County…………………… Fu Huifang(69)