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2010年03月 第35卷 第1期

发表时间:2010-05-17 15:32:17    作者:热作所    来源:热作所

Fujian Rezuo Keji
(季刊  1975年创刊)
2010年03月  第35卷  第1期


目  录

花卉栽培介质不同配方理化性状比较研究…………………………………………马太源  蓝炎阳  洪志方等(1)
几种野牡丹科植物的物候期观测…………………………………………………… 徐晓新  苏金强  黄阿凤等(6)
土壤不同改良措施对烟叶生产的影响………………………………………………………… 吴华建(8)
豇豆品种比较试验……………………………………………………………………… 许玉琴  吴汉琼  杨尚庞(11)
高抗逆香蕉品种的初选……………………………………………………………… 杨俊杰  曹明华  林晓兰等(12)
香蕉黑星病发生规律及其防治技术……………………………………………………………………… 洪胜福(14)
茶叶质量安全绿色防控关键技术……………………………………………………………… 林丽凤  林丽云(16)
台湾生姜2号高产栽培技术…………………………………………………………………………… 蔡火车(18)
闽南蔺草高产优质栽培技术……………………………………………………………………………… 汤土宾(20)
福建高速公路边坡绿化技术……………………………………………………………… 郎 朗  武英  李珊珊(21)
甘蔗新品种湛引8号的种植表现及配套栽培技术……………………………………………………… 吕以志(24)
旱稻病虫害发生防治技术…………………………………………………………………………………… 林乃莹(26)
浅析漳州市建设现代农业的成效……………………………………………………………… 兰海滨  潘永红(28)
厦门市同安区金光湖景区“森林人家”建设之我见……………………………………………………… 韩荣琴(32)
国外提高花卉业竞争力的若干策略和措施及借鉴……………………………………………………… 庄聪鹏(35)
1990年以来永安市竹业产业发展的研究…………………………………………… 黎茂彪  苏玉梅  肖华英(37)
浅议新时期如何加强会计职业道德建设………………………………………………………………… 史若昀(39)
尤溪县茶叶产业存在问题及对策………………………………………………………………… 陈荣凤  林新暖(41)
基于粮食安全的诏安县耕地需求量预测……………………………………………范胜龙  谢  钊  林金石(44)
福州西湖公园北湖岛的植被现状和湿地景观保护……………………………………………………… 郑其新(47)

期刊基本参数:CN35-1124/S*1975*q*  A4 *48*zh*P*¥4.00* 1000*20*2010-3

Fujian Science & Technology of Tropical Crops
(Quarterly Started in 1975)
Vol.35  No.1  Mar.  2010


Comparative Study on Different Formula Character of Flower Cultural Medium………Ma Taiyuan etc.(1)
Observe the Phenological Annual Cycle of Melastoma candidum………………………………Xu Xiaoxin etc.(6)
Tobacco Production Influenced By Different Soil Improving Measures…………………………Wu Huajian(8)
A Comparative Test of Cowpea Cultivars………………………………………………………Xu Yuqin etc.(11)
A Preliminery Choice of High-resistance Banana Variety……………………………………Yang Junjie etc.(12)
Law And Preventive Skill of  Marcophoma musae in Banana………………………………Hong Shenghu(14)
Key Skill of “Green”Tea Quality……………………………………………………………………Lin Lifeng etc.(16)
Highly Productive Cultural Skill of Taiwan Ginger No.2…………………………………………Cai Huoche(18)
High-quality Cultural Skill of Schoenoplectus trigueter (L.) Palla  at South Fujian…………Tang Tubin(20)
Preventative Skill of Slopes Beside High Speed Roads…………………………………………Lang Lang etc.(21)
Plant Expression And It’s Cultural Practices of New Sugarcane Variety Zhangyin No.8…………Lu Yizhi(24)
Approach to Preventative Skill of Drought Rice Pests………………………………………………Lin Naiying(26)
On Effect About Modern Agriculture at Zhangzhou…………………………………………Lan Haibin etc.(28)
On ‘Forest Home’of Jinguang Lake Landscape……………………………………………………Han Rongqin(32)
Methods,Countermeasures And Reference of Improving Flowers Competition Abroad………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhuang Congpeng(35)
Study the Bamboo Industry at Yong’an Municipal Since 1990………………………………Li Maobiao etc.(37)
On How to Improving Accounting Occupation Morals at New Period…………………………Shi Ruoyun(39)
Existing Problems And Countermeasures of Tea Industry at Youxi County…………Chen Rongfeng etc.(41)
Land Requirement Forecast at Zhao’an County In View of Grain Safety……………Fan Shenglong etc.(44)
Vegetations And Landscape-protected on North Lake Island at Fuzhou West Lake Park…………………Zhen Qixin(47)