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2011年 第36卷 第4期

发表时间:2011-12-22 16:23:29    作者:热作所    来源:热作所

Fujian Rezuo Keji
(季刊  1975年创刊)
2011年12月  第36卷  第4期


目  次

琯溪蜜柚黑斑病菌分离鉴定及其致病性测定………………………………… 罗金水  张汉荣  卢松茂等(1)
金粟兰叶片叶绿素浸提方法的研究…………………………………………… 林秀香  苏金强  林秋金等(6)
不同生长素对山茶花扦插生根的影响………………………………………… 张天翔  杨俊杰  林宗铿等(9)
花生施用牡蛎壳粉效应分析…………………………………………………………………陈玉山  林爱惜(12)
培土高度对白芦笋春季产量和效益的影响……………………………………林添发  林秀香  朱艺英等(17)
马铃薯品种对比试验初报……………………………………………………………………洪雪清  曾红英(20)
天宝野生蕉植物学特性观测……………………………………………………林晓兰  杨尚庞  曹明华等(22)
出口盆栽榕树1-MCP保鲜技术研究初报……………………………………… 杨  敏  李珊珊  鞠玉栋等(25)
芦笋茎枯病无公害防治措施…………………………………………………………………蓝育文  陈惠宗(33)
优质番木瓜品种“马来西亚6号”特征特性及栽培技术要点………………………………吕智鹏  黄大龙(40)
台湾甜柿高效栽培主要技术………………………………………………………庄少辉  颜永辉  黄若展(42)
秋马铃薯稻草包芯栽培技术…………………………………………………………………张贵景  苏小鹤(44)
“生态袋”垂直绿化技术在城市建设中的意义与前景探析………………………………王美盛  王传福(65)
第十三届中国国际花卉园艺展览会考察报告…………………………………何雪娇  林金水  林智明等(69)

期刊基本参数:CN35-1124/S*1975*q*  A4 *72*zh*P*¥6.80* 2000*25*2011-12

Fujian Science & Technology of Tropical Crops
(Quarterly Started in 1975)
Vol.36  No.4  Dec.  2011


Pathogen Isolation, Identification and Pathogenicity of Guanxi Pomelo Black Spot………… Luo Jinshui et al.(1)
The Chlorophyll Extraction of Chloranthus spicatus  Leaf…………………………………Lin Xiuxiang et al.(6)
The Effect of Different Plant Growth Regulator on the Cutting and Rooting in Camellia……………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Tianxiang et al.(9)
Effect of Fertilizing Oyster Crust Power on Peanut………………………………………… Chen Yushan et al.(12)
Efficacy of  Pyraclostrobin 25% SC for Potato Late Blight Control………………………………Fan Xiaohui(15)
Effects of Earting-up Height on Spring Field and Benefit of White Asparagus……………… Lin Tianfa et al.(17)
A Test in Variety Comparison of Tomato………………………………………………… Hong Xueqing et al.(20)
Observation on the Botany Characteristics of Wild Tianbao Banana…………………………Lin Xiaolan et al.(22)
Preliminary Report about 1-MCP Keep Technique of Export Pot Banyan…………………… Yang Min et al.(25)
The Changes of Soil Nutrients in the Fields at Changtai County and its Countermeasures…………Lian Xiuye(27)
Furrow-ditch Rotation System, a New Culture Technique of Banana………………………… Zhang Hanrong(30)
Non-pollute Preventative Measurement of Asparagus Stem Blight………………………… Lan Yuwen et al.(33)
Cultivation Techniques for High-quality and Non-polluted Sweet Potato…………………………Hong Guifen(35)
Biological Charateristics of Acacia acuriculaeformis and Its Reproductive Technique………Yang Shangpang(38)
Characteristics and Essential Cultivation Techniques of High Quality Papaya “Malaysia No.6”………………………………………………………………………………………… Lu Zhipeng et al.(40)
Efficient Culture Technique for Taiwan Sweet Persimmon……………………………… Zhang Shaohui et al.(42)
Ricestraw Core-spun Cultivation Techniques for Autumn Potato…………………………Zhang Guijing et al.(44)
Cultivation Techniques for Youyang Pomelo……………………………………………………… Lu Yushan(47)
Efficient High-grafting Culture Technique for Sweet Spring Pomelo……………………………Yan Yonghui(50)
Making the Fifth Season Tea by Covering Plastic Shelves at Hua’an County……………………Huang Lirong(53)
Occurrence and Control of Chewing Cane Tiger Spot ………………………………………………Li Ruimei(55)
Resources of Bougainvillea and Its Horticultural Application in Xiamen Area………………………Shi Jianyu(57)
Establish a Quality Security System, to Increase Export Pomelo-Quality and Safety Traceability System of Guanxi Honey Pomelo Construction…………………………………………………………………Huang Kunyang(61)
The Significance and Prospect of Ecological Bag Vertical Afforest Technique in the Urban Construction……………………………………………………………………………… Wang Meishen et al.(65)
The Report of Thirteenth China International Flower Horticulture Exhibition ……………… He Xuejiao et al.(69)