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2011年 第36卷 第1期
发表时间:2011-04-20 15:46:54 作者:热作所 来源:热作所
Fujian Rezuo Keji
(季刊 1975年创刊)
2011年03月 第36卷 第1期
目 次
可食膜保鲜剂在蜜柚上的应用研究……………………………………………蓝炎阳 吴士彬 陈毅勇等(1)
缓控释肥料在香蕉上的施用效果研究…………………………………………丁 文 黄功标 吴凌云等(5)
金线莲根尖染色体制片技术研究………………………………………………张天翔 林宗铿 蔡坤秀等(12)
台风天气对橘小实蝇活动规律与种群动态的影响……………………………李怀旻 武 英 季清娥等(15)
漳州地区榕树蓟马为害及田间防控药剂药效评判……………………………余德亿 姚锦爱 蓝炎阳等(20)
甘蔗不同行距对比试验初报……………………………………………………张新广 余 龙 颜华智等(23)
有机叶面肥的施用对铁观音茶品质的影响…………………………………………………林德锋 吴顺章(27)
琯溪蜜柚标准化栽培技术……………………………………………………………………黄天瑞 张汉荣(39)
春季果园管理技术要点………………………………………………………………………邱晓琴 雷 天(51)
期刊基本参数:CN35-1124/S*1975*q* A4 *72*zh*P*¥6.80* 2000*20*2011-3
Fujian Science & Technology of Tropical Crops
(Quarterly Started in 1975)
Vol.36 No.1 Mar. 2011
Study on Keep Fresh Agent Applied in Pomelo………………………………………………Lan Yanyang et al.(1)
Study on the effect of Controlled Release Fertilizer in Banana…………………………………Ding Wen et al.(5)
Analysis on Forestation Effect in Different Site Quality of Hosie Ormosia………………………Gan Guoyong(8)
Technique for Chromosome of Root Tip of Anoectochilus formosanus Hay…………Zhang Tianxiang et al.(12)
Effect of Typhon on the Activities and Biomass Motion of Dacus Dorsalis Hendel………… Li Huaimin et al.(15)
The damage of Ficus thrips at Zhangzhou City and Field Efficacy of Prevention and Control of pharmaceutical evaluation …………………eyi et al.(20)
Preliminary Study on the Comparative Test in Different Row Space for Cane. ………Zhang Xinguang et al.(23)
Effects of organic fertilizer application on the quality of Tie-guanyin tea………………Lin defeng et al.(27)
Risk Analysis on Two Kind of Quarantive Scales introduced into Fujian Province. ……………Chen Jingsong(30)
Preliminary Study on a New Variety of Common Corn.………………………………………Liang Rongnan(34)
Standard Cultivation Techniques of Guanxi Pomelo………………………………………Huang Tianrui et al.(39)
Non-pollution Cultivation Techniques for Fruity Sweet Corn …………………………………Cai Huoche(42)
Serval Major Virus diseases of Banana and Preventive Measures………………………………Huang Luqing(45)
Spring Management Techniques of Guanxi Pomelo in the Period of Production………………Zhang Jingtao(48)
Main Points of Orchard Management Techniques in Spring …………………………………Qiu Xiaoqin et al.(51)
Introduction of the “Honey Sydney Tainung II” and Cultivation Techniques……………………Ye Qingcheng(54)
The Main Problems Existing in Pruning and Countermeasures of Prunus salicina Lindl.var.Cordata Y.He et J.Y.Zhang cv.“younai”.………………………Huang Yihua(56)
Analysis and Countermeasures of Forest Protection and Utilization at Yong’an City………………Xu Jiemei(59)
Discussion about Soil Ecology and Conservation…………………………………………………Sun Fazheng(62)
Quest on the Ancient Chinese Orchid,Comment on Historical Origin of Chinese Orchid…………Hu Shi chen(65)