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2010年12月 第35卷 第4期
发表时间:2011-01-20 09:21:51 作者:热作所 来源:热作所
Fujian Rezuo Keji
(季刊 1975年创刊)
2010年12月 第35卷 第4期
目 录
水杨酸对采后园艺植物组织衰老的影响……………………………………………… 郑 涛 何雪娇 苏金强(5)
淋洗剂对土壤铅的提取效果研究……………………………………………………………………………… 吴在铁(9)
培养基类型、碳源对朱砂根愈伤组织生长的影响………………………………………………何雪娇 赖钟雄(14)
齐尾香蕉在闽南蕉区的适应性研究…………………………………………………王美盛 曹明华 杨俊杰等(18)
连城县观赏园林花木生态现状分析与对策探讨…………………………………………………………… 林开和(27)
福建省榕属植物资源及其开发利用……………………………………………………梁育勤 陈榕生 陈金河(32)
农优矮生豌豆病虫害的综合防治……………………………………………………林奕峰 陈亚雪 罗燕华等(38)
福建产区水蜜桃生产技术……………………………………………………………… 牛先前 郑国华 林秀香(41)
仙草覆盖黑地膜高产栽培技术…………………………………………………………………… 熊兴隆 朱宏生(45)
台湾番木瓜新品种在漳州适应性与栽培技术……………………………………… 程志明 陈卢亮 张朝坤(48)
幼龄茶园套种白三叶关键技术…………………………………………………………………… 李明杰 郭锦华(56)
闽南地区黄瓜嫁接栽培的现状和发展要求………………………………………… 陈亚雪 陈前程 罗燕华(58)
“果-草-牧-沼”生态果园示范推广初报………………………………………………………………… 魏学贵(61)
稔田镇发展红肉蜜柚产业的调查与思考…………………………………………………………谢天永 李月娥(64)
关于构建农业设计学科的思考…………………………………………………………………………………罗 凯(67)
期刊基本参数:CN35-1124/S*1975*q* A4 *72*zh*P*¥6.80* 1000*18*2010-12
Fujian Science & Technology of Tropical Crops
(Quarterly Started in 1975)
Vol.35 No.4 Dec. 2010
Variation Trend of Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Countermeasure at Wuping County……………… Liu Rongyuan(1)
Influence of Salicylic Acid on Tissue Wane after Harvest of Horticultural Plants……………… Zheng Tao et al.(5)
A Study on Extraction of Lead from Soil by Drip Washing Agent…………………………………………Wu Zaitie(9)
Effects of Culture Media and Carbon Source on Callus Growth of Ardisia crenata sim……… He Xuejiao et al.(14)
An Adaptable Study on Qiwei Banana at the Banana Zone of southern Fujian……………Wang Meisheng et al.(18)
Selecting and Analyzing Main Factors in Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Fertility at Towns……Liu Lihua(22)
Current State and Countermeasure Research on Horticultural Plants for Eco-tourism Resort City in Liancheng…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Lin Kaihe(27)
Exploitation and Utilization of Banyan Resource in Fujian Province………………………… Liang Yuqin et al.(32)
Integrated Pest Management of Dwarf Pea………………………………………………………… Lin Yifeng et al.(38)
Cultivation Techniques for Juicy Peaches in Fujian………………………………………………Niu Xianqian et al.(41)
High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Mesona chinensis Mulched with Black Plastic Films……………………………………………………………………………………………… Xiong Xinglong et al.(45)
Adaptability and Cultivation Techniques of Taiwan Papaya at Zhangzhou……………… Cheng Zhiming et al.(48)
Main Characteristic and Cultivation Techniques of Sauropua androgynua Merr…………………… Han Wenhai(52)
Key Techniques of Relay Intercropping Trifolium in Young Tea Plantation…………………… Li Mingjie et al.(56)
Present state and development demand of cucumber’s grafting cultivation at Southern Fujian…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Chen Yaxue et al.(58)
A Preliminary Report on Demonstration and Generalization of Ecological Fruit Garden “Fruit-Grass-Herd-Marsh” ………………………………………………………………………………… Wei Xuegui(61)
Investigation and Thinking of Developing Red Pomelo Industry at Rentivan Village………Xie Tianyong et al.(64)
Thinking about Constructing Design Disciplines of Agriculture…………………………………………… Luo Kai(67)