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2012年12月 第37卷 第4期

发表时间:2012-12-27 10:37:29    作者:热作所    来源:热作所

Fujian Rezuo Keji
(季刊  1975年创刊)
2012年12月  第37卷  第4期


目  次

漳州市彩叶植物种质资源及应用调查………………………………………罗德超  郑  涛  杨尚庞,等(1)
桉树组培瓶苗轻型基质移栽技术研究……………………………………………………………… 罗火月(7)
不同土种烟后稻氮、磷、钾肥料效应试验研究……………………………………………曾新明  危天进(20)
雪花木扦插繁殖试验初报………………………………………………… 黄阿凤 罗德超 郑  涛,等(26)
刺桐姬小蜂在闽南地区的发生及危害…………………………………… 武  英  陈振东  卢松茂,等(28)
短叶90天花椰菜生长特性及栽培技术…………………………………………………………… 刘胜利(31)
漳州市蘑菇生产的气象条件和对策研究……………………………………………林  莉  洪国平  李招连(37)
龙血树的繁育技术研究进展综述………………………………………………叶爱玲  施宗强  邓晓璐(40)
甜椒反季节基质栽培技术………………………………………………… 张天翔  林宗铿  曹明华,等(43)
漳州市香蕉生长的气象条件分析…………………………………………魏方稳  郑德龙  陈福梓,等(53)
近30年莆田市气候变化特征对水资源及农业的影响…………………………………………… 何金德(56)

期刊基本参数:CN35-1124/S*1975*q*  A4 *72*zh*P*¥6.80* 2000*21*2012-12


Fujian Science & Technology of Tropical Crops
(Quarterly Started in 1975)
Vol.37  No.4  Dec.  2012


Investigation and Application of Colourful Plant Germplasm Resources at Zhangzhou. … Luo Dechao et al.(1)
Light Stroma Transplanting Technique about Eucalyptus Tissue Cultural Seedling. …………… Luo huoyue(7)
The Soil Nutrient Study and the Suggestion of Fertilizer in the Tea Garden at Minqing County………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Yichang(11)
Productive Example Test of  Luffa cylindrica………………………………… Chen Qiancheng(14)
A Preliminary Report about the Effect of Fertilizing “Qiye” Organic Feritlizer to Improve the Cabigecabbage Yield. ……………………………………………………………………………………… Zeng Ruiqin(16)
The Regional Experiment Summary about a New Variety Hybrid Rice………………………… Lin Jianhua(18)
Effect of N.P.K Fertilizer on the Rice after Planting Tobacco in Different Soil……… Zeng Xinming et al.(20)
A Preliminary Test Report of Cutting Reproduction  of Breynia nivosa………… Huang Afeng et al.(26)
Occurance and Harm of Quadrastichu erythrinae  In South Fujian………………………… Wu Ying et al.(28)
Growth Character and Cultural Technique of 90-day Cauliflower……………………………… Liu Shengli(31)
Potting and Industrialization Technique of Ornamental Pineapple “Flat head star”………… Lin Xiaohong(34)
Meteorological Conditions of Mushroom Production at Zhangzhou And Its Countermeasures…………………………………………………………………Lin Li et al.(37)
Research Progress of Dracaena Vand Propagation……………………………………………Ye Ailing et al.(40)
Anti-season Substrate Culture Technique of Sweet Pepper………………………… Zhang Tianxiang et al.(43)
High-yield Cultural Practices Technology of “Twice into Single” Hybrid Mid-rice in Mountainous Areas…………………………………………………………………………………………………Li Ganlai(47)
The Inspiration and Thinking about Floral Industry in Holland………………………………… Lin Jinshui(49)
Analysis on Melerological Conditions about Banana Growth at Zhangzhou…………… Wei Fangwen et al.(53)
Influence on the Water Recource and Agriculture by Climate Change Character at Putian in Recent 30 years. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… He Jinde(56)
Disscusion on the Horticultural Flowers Application in Fuzhou…………………………… Tang Xiaofeng(59)
The Industrial Management ‘A County,A Product” ——Industrial Development Model Characteristic Agriculture at Zhangzhou…………………………………………
…Yao Dongmei(64)
Disscusion on How to Improve the Activity of “A Countryside,A Product” ……………… Yang Donghuo(69)