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发表时间:2019-12-19 14:54:42    作者:福建省热带作物科学研究所    来源:福建省热带作物科学研究所


Fujian Rezuo Keji

(季刊  1975年创刊)

201912  44  4




                                                                                                   目  次

遮荫对蔓茎四瓣果叶片形态和叶绿素荧光特性的影响………………………………蔡月琴,孙 平,万志远,等(1)
涵江区农用地土壤pH值空间变异与土壤化学元素的相关性研究……… 郭文滨,史国强,洪雅芳,等(18)
生物炭对连作穿心莲生长的影响……………………………………………李  珍,陈义三,陈荣珠,等(21)
培养料不同pH值对杏鲍菇生长的影响…………………………………………………………… 杨妙童(25)
辣木离体组织培养技术研究……………………………………………………………… 张天翔,林宗铿(28)
影响琯溪蜜柚生长发育的气象条件分析……………………………………李孟洁,林  辉,许军辉,等(31)
朝天椒优质栽培关键技术……………………………………………………周  华,林宗铿,陈振东,等(34)
浅析气象因素对果树的影响及气象灾害防御对策…………………………… 林日新,李丽容,方文维(45)
南安市杨梅种植的气候条件和种植区划分析……………………………………崔  寒,高  习,魏狄樊(50)
浅谈标准化乡镇气象服务站在当前农村防灾减灾作用………………………………… 李晓婷,兰雅萍(65)

期刊基本参数:CN35-1124/S*1975*q*  A4 *72*zh*P*¥6.80* 2000*22*2019-12

Fujian Science & Technology of Tropical Crops
(Quarterly Started in 1975)
Vol.44  No.4  Dec.  2019

Effects of Shading on Leaf Morphological and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Heterocentron Elegans……………………………… Cai Yueqin et al.(1)
The Fractal Dimension of Granite Collapsing Gully Soils at Changting County……………Huang Bifei et al.(6)
Comparison of Soil Archaea Community Diversity in Rhizosphere of Chilli Infected with Fusarium Wilt and Uninfected Plants…………… Dai Ruiqing et al.(10)
System Character of Cactus Irrigated by Imidacloprid in Root and Preventative Study of Diaspis echinocacti( Bouche) ………………… Dong Jinlong et al.(15)
A Relativitive Study on Soil PH Value Space Variation and Soil Chemical Elements at Hanjiang Zone…………………………………………… Guo Wenbing et al.(18)
Continuous Cropping Common Andrographis Growth Affected by Plant Carbon……………Li Zhen et al.(21)
Pleurotus eryngii  Growth Effected by PH Value in Different Medium…………………… Yang Miaotong(25)
A Technology Study on Tissue Culture of Moringa Pterygosperma in Vitro………… Zhang Tianxiang et al.(28)
Analysis about the Meteorological Condition of Guanxi Pomelo………………………… Li Mengjie et al.(31)
Key Technology about Qualify Culture of Capsicum annuum L.var.conoides(Mill.)Irish… Zhou Hua et al.(34)
On Planting Dendrobium Candidum Technology…………………………………………… Wang Weiping(37)
Analysis about the Climate Suitability of Planting Avocado at Nanjing County…………Wang Qiuyun et al.(40)
High-quality,Standard Cultural Technology of Yellow Pepper at Yong’An………………… Hong Dongfang(43)
Analysis about the Fruit Trees Influenced by Meteorological Factors and Countermeasures Against Meteorological Disaster………………… Lin Rixin et al.(45)
Analysis of the Meteorological Condition of the Sweet Pepper Young Tree Field Setting Period at Zhao’An County and Production Suggestion……… He Xiulian et al.(48)
Analysis about the Climate Condition and Planting Zones of Chinese Waxmyrtle at Nan’An Municiple…………………………………………………… Cui Han et al.(50)
On Research Progress of the Tissue Cultural Rapid Producing Technology of Curcuma alismatifolia………………………………………………… Yu Zhicheng et al.(53)
Approaching to the Continuous Development of the Edible Fungi Production Industry at Ninghua County……………………………………………………Ying Huihua(57)
Current Situation and Development Direction of Flower Industry at Zhangzhou Municiple……Fang Meiyu(60)
On the Standard Countryside Meteorological Service Station Playing Part in the Current Countryside Preventative and Reducing Disaster…………Li Xiaoting et al.(65)
Technology Conclusion about a Storm at Zhangpu County………………………………… Cai Aling et al.(68)
Current Situation and Development of Rice Producing Zones at Longhai Municiple………… Guo Weipeng(71)