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2011年 第36卷 第3期

发表时间:2011-09-23 15:34:05    作者:热作所    来源:热作所

Fujian Rezuo Keji
(季刊  1975年创刊)
2011年09月  第36卷  第3期


目  次

福建山樱花观赏特征与开花生物学特性的初步研究………………………陈 璋 吕月良 吴文心(1)
几种常见方法提取番荔枝基因组DNA的比较………………………………陆銮眉  朱 旸  潘一山(10)
无公害茶叶产地土壤重金属监测与评价…………………………………刘佳敏 蔡恩兴 林芗华等(13)
同安果蔗无公害栽培技术………………………………………………………………蔡火车  苏海军(21)
福建产区椪柑贮藏保鲜技术规程…………………………………………牛先前  郑国华  林秀香等(33)
回归自然的棕地景观——上海世博公园的生态景观生构与创造………………………………陈 曦(45)
广东海南热带花卉产业调查…………………………………………………林金水  卢永春  何雪娇等(53)
多肉多浆植物出口贮运保鲜现状与存在问题…………………………………李  影  陈毅勇  蓝炎阳(58)
福建香蕉产业的现状及发展策略……………………………………………陈小玲 黄 勇 黄丽娜(62)
武平县食用菌产业“公司+农户”模式初探………………………………………………………邓 琳(70)

期刊基本参数:CN35-1124/S*1975*q*  A4 *72*zh*P*¥6.80* 2000*19*2011-9

Fujian Science & Technology of Tropical Crops
(Quarterly Started in 1975)
Vol.36  No.3  Sept.  2011


Preliminary Study on Ornamental Features and Flowering Characteristics of Prunus campanulata in Fujian……………………………………………………………………………Chen Zhang et al.(1)
Culture Technique Model on High Quality of“Green Soybeen No.3”……………………… Tang Yong Hui(6)
Comparision of a Few Kinds of Genomic DNA Extraction in  Annona Squamosa…………Lu Luanmei et al.(10)
The Monitoring and Assesement of Soil Heavy Metal in Harmless Tea Base……………… Liu Jiaming et al.(13)
Investigation of the Regular Weed Species and Their Dominent Species at the Flower Plantation in Zhangzhou………………………………………………………………………… Pan Yonghong(16)
Non-pollution  Cultivation Technique of Chewing Cane at Tong’an…………………………… Cai Huoche(21)
Potato High-yield Cultivation Technique………………………………………………………………Lu Xueyi(24)
Technique of Setting Edible Fungus in Banana Garden………………………………………… Ye Yongqing(27)
How to High-graft Lychee Midingxiang and Manage its Fructicative Tree……………………Zhang Maoshen(30)
Act of Technique for the Storage Citrus poonensis Preserveing Fresh In Fujian Production Areas…………………………………………………………………………… Niu xianqian et al.(33)
Study on the Ecological Restoration and Landscape Planning of Wet Land in the City,for the Example of Wuyuanwan Wet Park in Xiamen………………………………………………………………………Li Huijie(38)
Designing and Promoting the Rare & Endangered Botany,for the Example of the State Forest Park in Fuzhou…………………………………………………………………………Su Bingfeng(42)
Return to the Natural Brown Land Landscape- the Ecological Landscape Figure and Creation of the Shanghai World Exbihition Garden……………………………………………………………………………… Chen Xi(45)
The Leading Varieties of Pennisetum in China…………………………………………………… Chen Lulian(49)
Investigation on the Tropical Flower Industry in Guangdong and Hainan Province………… Lin Jinshui et al.(53)
Present State and Problems of Storage and Fresh-keeping for Succulent Plants to Export……… Li Ying et al.(58)
Present State and Development Measurement of Banana Industry in Fujian………………Chen Xiaoling et al.(62)
Discussion on the Hummanization Factors of Garden Construction in City……………………… Liu Chunbo(67)
Preliminary Study on the “Company and Peasant” Model of Edible Fungus Industry at Wuping County…………………………………………………………………………………………Denglin(70)