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福建热作科技 第39卷 第4期

发表时间:2014-12-25 08:45:01    作者:热作所    来源:热作所

Fujian Rezuo Keji
(季刊  1975年创刊)
2014年12月  第39卷  第4期


目  次

大白菜氮肥总量控制试验研究………………………………………………………………… 危天进(8)
播种期和种植密度对山麻洋产量的影响………………………………………曾宪华,陈妹幼,夏  俊(13)
复合微生物制剂对烟草青枯病的防治示范研究…………………………………… 王智伟,张文伟(15)
漳州水仙花艺术加工技术应用与市场前景研究…………………………………… 蓝志福,蓝炎阳(18)
牛蒡栽培及加工研究现状……………………………………………………伏  卉,杜丽君,牛先前(27)
南安市甘薯新品种福薯9号栽培技术………………………………………………… 洪文坚,李继志(32)
杧果矮化避雨栽培技术…………………………………………………林  革,彭建平,刘国强,等(40)
新优多花花灌木巴西野牡丹…………………………………………………………………夏  俊(48)
碧桃的生物学特性及园林应用……………………………………………………… 黄建通,梁飞汉(50)
漳州市家庭农场发展现状、存在问题及对策建议……………………………………… 周  莉(61)
华安铁观音产品结构转型升级探索…………………………………………………… 林丽凤,林丽云(64)
漳州市甘薯产业发展调研报告……………………………………………………… 蔡秋亮,林淑琴(66)

期刊基本参数:CN35-1124/S*1975*q*  A4 *72*zh*P*¥6.80* 2000*24*2014-12

Fujian Science & Technology of Tropical Crops
(Quarterly Started in 1975)
Vol.39  No.4  Dec.  2014


A Preliminery Research Report on Introducing Moringa oleifera Lam. ………………… Lin Zongkeng et al.(1)
A Survival Rate Research on Tissue Cultural Weedling Transplanting of Neottopteris nidus (L.) J. Sm. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Wu Shibin(5)
A Test Research About Nitrogen Fertilizer Totally-controlled of Cabbages………………………Wei Tianjin(8)
A Comparative Test Between 135 Hole Seedling And 187…………………………… Zhang Wenwei et al.(11)
Productivity of Corchorus capsularis L. Influenced By Sowing Period and Plantation Density……………………………………………………………………………………Zeng Xianhua et al.(13)
A Moded Study on Preventation and Cure of Tobacco Bacterial Wilt By Compound Microbes Agent………………………………………………………………………………………Wang Zhiwei et al.(15)
A Study on Processing Craft And Market Prospect of Zhangzhou Narcisuss……………… Lan Zhifu et al.(18)
Obervation And Controlling Technology of Tessaratoma papillosa Drury in Longyan,Lychee…Liu Shiyan(21)
Approaching to Indentification And Controlling Measures on Pinghe Guanxi Pomelo…… Zeng Baozhong(24)
On Cultural Practice And Processing of Fructus Arctii …………………………………………Fu Hui et al.(27)
Cultural Technology of A New Variety “Sweet Potato No.9”At Nan’an Hong……………… Wenjian et al.(32)
Safe,Highly-effective Cultural Practice of Cucumber By Shelves……………………………… Lin Jianmin(34)
High Craft And Cultural Practice of Pomelo At Dapu…………………………………… Nai Huiling et al.(37)
Cultural Technology of Dwarf Mango………………………………………………………… Lin Ge et al.(40)
Resources And Landscape Application of Bignoniaceae Plants in Xiamen……………………Ding Yinlong(44)
On New Quality, Brazil Straits Rhododendron……………………………………………………… Xia Jun(48)
Biological Character And Landscape Application of  Peach………………………… Huang Jiantong et al.(50)
Approaching to Afforestation Technology of Ecological Landscape Forest at Tong’an……… Han Rongqin(52)
Effect,Questions And Countermeasures of Fujian-Taiwan Agricultural Co-operation at Zhangzhou……………………………………………………………………………………… Wang Jiyue(55)
Current Situation and Development Countermeasures of Broccoli Industry at Zhangzhou……………………………………………………………………………… Wu Fangfang et al.(58)
Current Situation,Existing Problems And Countermeasures of Family Farm at Zhangzhou……… Zhou Li(61)
Search For Hua’an Tieguanyin Tea Product…………………………………………………Lin Lifeng et al.(64)
Development Investigative Report on Sweet Potato Industry at Zhangzhou……………………Cai Qiuliang(66)
Analysis About the Tropical Crops Machanical Application………………………………… Chen Wanhua(70)