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2011年 第36卷 第2期

发表时间:2011-06-27 16:09:42    作者:热作所    来源:热作所

Fujian Rezuo Keji
(季刊  1975年创刊)
2011年03月  第36卷  第1期


目  次

洛巴伊口蘑子实体抗氧化活性分析…………………………………………… 郑域茹 谢宝贵 陈柄智(1)
樱属(Cerasus Mill.)野生观赏植物资源的调查研究………………………………………陈  璋  吕月良(4)
白芦笋游离小孢子培养初报………………………………………………… 蔡坤秀 林宗铿 张天翔等(8)
盆栽榕树基质线虫及根结线虫病的防治…………………………………………洪志方  蓝炎阳  王少峰(14)
琯溪蜜柚修剪环刈技术要诀与释解………………………………………………张汉荣  李美桂  张金桃(27)
提高芦笋产量和品质的技术措施……………………………………………………………蓝育文  陈惠宗(38)
热带果树的盆栽利用………………………………………………………………袁  韬  杨福良 韩文海(41)
福建产区柑桔标准化生产技术规程……………………………………………牛先前  郑国华  林秀香等(45)
六个国外水仙品种在漳州试种的植物学特征…………………………………何炎森 杨  敏  林加耕等(51)
甘蔗健康种苗推广应用浅析…………………………………………………………张新广  余  龙  颜华智(57)
保护古树名木,合理规划利用——厦门市湖里区古树名木调查…………………………………… 陈  曦(60)

期刊基本参数:CN35-1124/S*1975*q*  A4 *72*zh*P*¥6.80* 2000*20*2011-6

Fujian Science & Technology of Tropical Crops
(Quarterly Started in 1975)
Vol.36  No.2  Jun.  2011


On Antioxid Active Analysis of  Tricholoma giganteum Massee………………………Zhen Yuru et al.(1)
An Investigation Study of Wild Ornamental Resource of Cerasus Mill. …………… Chen Zhang et al.(4)
A Preliminery report of White Asparagus Anther Isolated Microspore Culture……… Cai Kunxiu et al.(8)
Affected By Different Treatment About Breeding Sprouting of Cassia fistula L. ………Chen Yuzhao(11)
Prevention And Cure of Matrix Eelworm And Root Eelworm of Potting Smallfruit Fig……………………………………………………………………………Hong Zhifang et al.(14)
A Preliminery Study of Tissue Cultural Technology of  Eucalyptus grandis………… Huang Xiuying(18)
A Cutting Seedling Technology Study of Cinnamomum kanehirai Hayata…………Zeng Qunsheng(21)
Studies on Current Management State And Development Measure of Camellia oleifera Abel  at Huainan… zhen Guangming(24)
Main Points And Explanation of Guanxi Pomelo…………………………………Zhang Hanrong et al.(27)
An Industry Cultural Technology Study of Potting Anthurium andraeanum…………… Lin Xiaohong(30)
Character And Its Non-pollute Cultural Technology of Bantian Turnip……………………… Xu Zhen(35)
Technology Measurements of Imprving Production And Quality of Asparagus……Lan Yuwen et al.(38)
Potting Utilization of Tropical Fruit Trees……………………………………………… Yuan Tao et al.(41)
Standard Production Technology Process of Fujian Orange………………………Niu Xianqian et al.(45)
Botany Character of Six Kinds of Abroad Narcisuss  Tested at Zhangzhaou…… He Yanshen et al.(51)
Current Development State And Measurements of Fruit Tree Industry at Tong’an………Chen Fuzhi(54)
On Analysis Cane Seedling Development………………………………………Zhang Xinguan et al.(57)
To Protect Old Trees,To Fit for Planning Utilization…………………………………………… Chen Xi(60)
On Three Steps Archive Management of Large Enterprise………………………………… Zhen Lili(64)
Quest on the Ancient Chinese Orchid,Comment on Historical Origin of Chinese Orchid(二)…Hu Shi chen(67)